Friday, October 20, 2006
Reefer-Mad Dad

And here we see (stomp) the result of a metamorphasis: The 'witching hour has arrived (another stomp) and we have morphed into our true, depraved, alternate personalities: Jenny into that of 'stoned young goddess' and me into that of (boom) 'Reefer-mad dad.' I love the hair here. No, this was not my answer to Kootch's afro. I was probably off that day. It might have been a typical Saturday (boom) Night. Cloudy, of course.
(I just showed this to Kootch on a full screen. Her reaction was to comment on my hair. Then she said, 'Where did you get that picture?' Then she said, 'That's disgusting.' Then she said, 'Don't broad(boom)cast that kinda picture.')
Little does she know.
Some years ago I gave Kootch my first 'Windows capable' computer (after I had bought the replacement) and tried to teach her about computers and the internet. It lasted about two weeks in her room before she kicked it out. Teaching computers to Kootch was about like teaching geology to my mother: a lost cause. Not that Kootch is a complete idiot: she is a 'Sudoku' freak and is much better at it than I am.
What a bong! I think it was a double-chambered version which filtered the smoke through two different layers of water (being gassed here (thump) with RLG). Notice the large bowl. It was perfect for packing in large amounts of my weak Ganja. We always filled it with hot water before using it, because the moisture from the hot water soothed the harshness of the smoke.