Saturday, October 07, 2006
Last Flight With Kootch

Here is a picture of the Lake M. airstrip. Kootch and I landed there after I'd had two beers, reluctantly supplied to me by Kootch from the back seat, from a six pack. We met friends there as prearranged. Meanwhile I suppose Gerash more or less had 'the run of the house' after seducing the girls to 'spend the night' (tap) with 'friends.' Gerash and his Jewish buddies had no problem supplying my children with 'friends.' Neither I nor they suspected such a scenerio. Too bad for us.
What did he do there, in our home? I suppose he sniffed my dirty laundry. In fact, I think he was quite used to such sniffing, having done it for nine or ten years already. He probably slept in our bed, dreaming, fantasizing, smelling my dirty shorts, wishing we were united (being gassed here RLG) in homo-matrimony.
This was about 1977 (tap). I agreed to fly my friend's girlfriend around the lake. I flew us around the nearest features of the lake. We buzzed a few boats. I took care to minimize the chance they would be able to record my tail number. Then I returned her to her male friend. I was not attracted to her in the least (I have never been attracted to another man's woman). I remember that she objected emotionally to the 'stick' between her passenger legs: her husband (or friend) owned an airplane with wheel controls and she was used to that. I now suspect that she was pissed off by my lack of interest in her. (Damn this is fun.)
Kootch never flew with me again.