Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Google Knows


If you Googled 'epistomology' you got the message, "Did you mean, 'Epistemology?' I love that about Google: it seems to know sometimes what you really mean. I'll leave the poor spelling intact. Least I can do... I often use Google as a spell checker, but not this time.

Currenteventswise the NK nuclear (pronounced, 'noo-clee-ar' - not 'noo-cue-ler') test seems to have been something of a fizzle. One likely explanation is that the NKs failed to time the encapsulating chemical pressures correctly allowing much of the nuclear energy to escape. It was a timing problem. You probably already know that in order to get the most 'bang for the buck' in a fission event you need to contain the initial nuclear expansion by (explosive) chemical means. Perfect chemical symmetry equals perfect nuclear result. Not that I am an expert. And 'perfect chemical symmetry' means timing the chemical reactions (explosions) to the nanosecond so as to form a containing force structure around the expanding bubble of nuclear reaction. Such a result guarantees that the resulting nuclear reaction will be efficient. Apparently the NK test was grossly inefficient. You can quote me on that.
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