Friday, October 06, 2006
A Disaster
The new dentures are doing fine, it's me that has the problem. The expected soreness peaked yesterday morning and is decreasing rapidly. And of course they are a mouthful compared to my old worn down dentures. I've been grinding on those suckers for 25 years and they are flat. The new ones are real choppers. I can chop up a spoonful of fukujinzuke in no time at all. It took a while to get here:
The first problem was a cancelled-rescheduled appointment. Then there were delays between visits totalling at least a month (probably more like six weeks). Then there was the problem of scheduling the next appointment: the secretary/receptionist was out to lunch (tap) after several appointments and the next appointments had to be done by tele(thump)phone. I hate using the (tap) telephone. Then there was the 'wax try-in.' Finally!
The wax model contained the actual teeth to be installed in the final edition. The wax model was a disaster: there was so little room for my tongue to maneuver that I lisped like a pansy when I tried to speak. Also the teeth were waaay too small. They might have worked for a little old lady (boom) but not for a robust (tap) male like me. I hated them (boom) although the dentist seemed to like them. The dentist let me take them home with me with the proviso that I not keep the models in my mouth for more than ten (tap) minutes at a time 'Because that would soften the wax and the models would become deformed.' Utter Bullshit.
I took photographs which compared the wax models to my very first dentures.
The new dentures are doing fine, it's me that has the problem. The expected soreness peaked yesterday morning and is decreasing rapidly. And of course they are a mouthful compared to my old worn down dentures. I've been grinding on those suckers for 25 years and they are flat. The new ones are real choppers. I can chop up a spoonful of fukujinzuke in no time at all. It took a while to get here:
The first problem was a cancelled-rescheduled appointment. Then there were delays between visits totalling at least a month (probably more like six weeks). Then there was the problem of scheduling the next appointment: the secretary/receptionist was out to lunch (tap) after several appointments and the next appointments had to be done by tele(thump)phone. I hate using the (tap) telephone. Then there was the 'wax try-in.' Finally!
The wax model contained the actual teeth to be installed in the final edition. The wax model was a disaster: there was so little room for my tongue to maneuver that I lisped like a pansy when I tried to speak. Also the teeth were waaay too small. They might have worked for a little old lady (boom) but not for a robust (tap) male like me. I hated them (boom) although the dentist seemed to like them. The dentist let me take them home with me with the proviso that I not keep the models in my mouth for more than ten (tap) minutes at a time 'Because that would soften the wax and the models would become deformed.' Utter Bullshit.
I took photographs which compared the wax models to my very first dentures.