Friday, September 22, 2006
What a Quagmire!
What a night! In 'one fell swoop,' so to say, we had all been ushered into the drug culture of the late '70s. I did not know it at the time but Psilocibin Muchrooms were in store; LSD-25 was in store. There would eventually come temptations to indulge in Speed, Cocaine, and even Heroin. I would resist those those temptations because I knew about all those drugs, having read extensively on the subject - especially after my first encounter with that powerful Pot.
It dawned on me that we as a family suddenly had a major problem: Drugs. And I was the culprit! Our girls would never have tried drugs on their own. Never! But I (with Mark's assistance) had introduced them. What to do?
I began a drug education program: Marijuana and LSD (tap) only: no injectible drugs; no snortable drugs. No drugs except under parental control (sounds ludicrous, of course, but that was the situation). Kathy and Jenny appeared (tap) to follow those instructions.
Meanwhile I had my very own drug problem which was obvious to the girls: booze. Kathy eventually followed me down that path. I don't know about Jenny.
What a quagmire!
What a night! In 'one fell swoop,' so to say, we had all been ushered into the drug culture of the late '70s. I did not know it at the time but Psilocibin Muchrooms were in store; LSD-25 was in store. There would eventually come temptations to indulge in Speed, Cocaine, and even Heroin. I would resist those those temptations because I knew about all those drugs, having read extensively on the subject - especially after my first encounter with that powerful Pot.
It dawned on me that we as a family suddenly had a major problem: Drugs. And I was the culprit! Our girls would never have tried drugs on their own. Never! But I (with Mark's assistance) had introduced them. What to do?
I began a drug education program: Marijuana and LSD (tap) only: no injectible drugs; no snortable drugs. No drugs except under parental control (sounds ludicrous, of course, but that was the situation). Kathy and Jenny appeared (tap) to follow those instructions.
Meanwhile I had my very own drug problem which was obvious to the girls: booze. Kathy eventually followed me down that path. I don't know about Jenny.
What a quagmire!