Friday, September 01, 2006
What an Idiot
MSNBC has the usual 'Month in Space: Heavenly Images.' I like picture number two best, because not only is she a good-looking woman, she is Iranian-American. The people of Iran will love it! I see it as one more example of Modernity seeping into a Primitive Culture. But is it already too late?
Can Science and Religion actually be allies? Let us hope. There was an interesting piece on TODAY today which is somewhat related: seems the new pope is holding some sort of debate concerning 'Intelligent Design.' Will The Vatican be able to escape from a literal view of the Very Old and Odius Testament account of 'Creation?' Will it be capable of adopting something resembling Wilson's view of 'The Creator?' We shall see.
As a Catholic back in the old days I had no trouble believing that God used Evolution as a natural mechanism to eventually produce human beings. The teaching was, at the time, that at a certain point God 'implanted' an 'immortal soul' which changed the Beast into the Man. Nobody I knew at the time (back in high school) had any problem with that.
And I was amazed to hear NBC's 'religion consultant' (George Weigel) say something like, 'Jews and Christians will never accept the idea that Man is the result of 'an utterly purposeless and completely accidental natural order.' Weigel is obviously biased. Does he think that Muslims will possibly accept that idea? Not bloody fucking likely. Weigel goes on to say that, 'And how will we treat each other if we think of each other as the product of a great cosmic chemical roll of the dice?' Sheeit. What an idiot.
MSNBC has the usual 'Month in Space: Heavenly Images.' I like picture number two best, because not only is she a good-looking woman, she is Iranian-American. The people of Iran will love it! I see it as one more example of Modernity seeping into a Primitive Culture. But is it already too late?
Can Science and Religion actually be allies? Let us hope. There was an interesting piece on TODAY today which is somewhat related: seems the new pope is holding some sort of debate concerning 'Intelligent Design.' Will The Vatican be able to escape from a literal view of the Very Old and Odius Testament account of 'Creation?' Will it be capable of adopting something resembling Wilson's view of 'The Creator?' We shall see.
As a Catholic back in the old days I had no trouble believing that God used Evolution as a natural mechanism to eventually produce human beings. The teaching was, at the time, that at a certain point God 'implanted' an 'immortal soul' which changed the Beast into the Man. Nobody I knew at the time (back in high school) had any problem with that.
And I was amazed to hear NBC's 'religion consultant' (George Weigel) say something like, 'Jews and Christians will never accept the idea that Man is the result of 'an utterly purposeless and completely accidental natural order.' Weigel is obviously biased. Does he think that Muslims will possibly accept that idea? Not bloody fucking likely. Weigel goes on to say that, 'And how will we treat each other if we think of each other as the product of a great cosmic chemical roll of the dice?' Sheeit. What an idiot.