Friday, September 22, 2006
Teaching Personal Power

This is Charlie and me (stomp). we got along famously. I remember carrying him around the house from room to room. As we entered each room I would encourage Charlie to flip the light switch just inside. Charlie was totally delighted by the game of 'flip the switch and the lights turn on.' I think it was his introduction to the concept of 'personal power.' At least, that is what I intended it to be. I hoped that Charlie would begin to realize that he was powerful.
You are seeing a 'post-Acid' photograph here, I'm sure. Charlie, of course, never did Acid. By the way, Charlie got his name from me: I took 'Charles' as my 'confirmatio(stomp)n name. When Kathy asked me for a suggestion I said, 'Charlie.' Kathy knew, of course, that her name had become 'lost in translation.' Was Kathy trying somehow to redeem that loss? Maybe so.