Friday, September 22, 2006
Poor Charlie

Speaking of grandchildren, meet Charlie!
Charlie was our first grandchild. We all loved him of course. When I first saw Charlie naked I was appalled to see that he had converted to Judaism while still in the neo-natal unit. I thought the decision somewhat premature. I asked his mother about it and she replied that her husband (tap) was also circumcised. I remember thinking that since her husband was not Jewish... why was he circumcised? I would later discover what I have called 'the greatest scam of the 20th Century:' Circumcision for 'health reasons.' But at that time I was at a loss. I did not, of course, ask Charlie's father why he had been circumcised. It was his business. So we accepted Charlie for what he was. I remember thinking that Charlie would have a tough time masturbating his way through the hormonal storms of 12-18. Poor Charlie.