Friday, September 22, 2006


One Dumb Muthafuka


Returning to current interests, I must admit that I was amused by Chavez's description of Bush as, 'The Devil.' There is much evidence to support such a point of view, but I would prefer to think of Bush in less inflamatory terms: Bush is The Anti-Christ, not The Devil. Bush is evil but not that evil. Not quite.

As I see it, Bush is proceeding 'logically' given current events. This is a problem. But the greater problem is that Bush's believers 'follow Bush.' Without 'believers' Bush is a moron. Therefore Bush's 'Believers' rescue him from absurdity. That is the great problem.

Bush is one dumb muthafuka. I think we can all agree on that. The problem is that there are millions of folks who agree with Him.

As I sit here typing this stuff it occurs to me that you are wondering where I will go. Fuck Bush! 'Where will you go?!'

'You are leaving Denver. Where will you go?'

'How soon will you leave (boom)?'

'Where can I meet you? I love you!'
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