Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Mystical Experience!

This is a picture of
'Hewey, Louise, and Dewey, according' to the notes on the back of the photo. They were three Marijuana plants I grew in what was Jenny's room after Kathy had moved out and Jenny had inherited her room. I began growing Ganga in the basement but that did not work out because the plants got ravaged by mites. Jenny's room was mite free, and these three plants (from seeds of 'Colombian Gold') produced a large fluffy bag of Pot about a foot in diameter. We smoked it for years. There were no 'buds.' The Pot was composed entirely of crushed dried leaves. It was a 'moderate intoxicant,' perfect for capping a booze high or 'strangening up' an Acid high. The remnants of this batch ended up in the potty after Kootch became disenchanted with getting high: she flushed it all down the toilet! What a waste!
I would later grow another similar batch of Ganja in our current apartment with Kootch's blessing. However Kootch would never again indulge in Marijuana. I smoked it all, over the years, always as an adjunct to booze. Booze and Marijuana equals Mystical Experience!
The tin foil was used to reflect light from the gro-lamps. I bathed those glorious plants in a 24-hour illumination. They eventually rewarded me with stunning insights.