Friday, September 01, 2006


I Can


Since I seem to be wondering about the idea that us humans could be the product of Nature, while most religionists seem to abhor the idea, I feel it is my duty as a human being to give you idiots out there the benefit of my thinking: You are idiots. You have no clue. You furthermore are surrounded by other idiots who think just like you. Allow me to tell you The Truth:

We live in an amoral universe. We have no 'immortal souls.' There is no such thing as Heaven or Hell. When we die we die forever. There is no 'Supernature,' only Nature. Matter is immortal, and so is energy, but the particular organization of matter which defines you is ephemeral. That particular constellation of atoms and molecules is unique and will never be repeated. You will never rise again, never, ever. Once you leave this glorious Universe you will never return.

You should consider yourselves extremely priveleged to have achieved self-awareness. You should consider your state of self-awareness as a 'gift from the god.'

In fact, I think that you have a duty in that respect: you are, by virtue of your consciousness, obliged to acknowlege the glorious nature of Nature to your sisters and brothers... if you can.

I can.
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