Friday, September 22, 2006
Here We Are

I eventually learned how to grow Marijuana in order to free us from Mark and his 'connections.' And I was present at at least two of Mark's encounters (boom) with drug dealers. He definitely had the connections, and those encounters were totally fascinating. Although I would eventually nullify Mark's Marijuana Connections by growing my own, I had no hope at all of nullifying his LSD Connection. The result of that was that eventually there was no more LSD.
But by that time I had done LSD between twenty and thirty times. The girls must have done it about ten times (tap). Kootch only did it once: she did about a quarter (boom) hit one day and her experience was very negative. She never did it again.
Meanwhile we all lived very pleasant lives! Very normal lives! Drugs were not a problem. In fact, the most problematic drug at the time was probably my booze. Kathy's marriage seemed to prosper; Jenny graduated High School; Kootch became a real star at K-MART. I plodded along at Honeywell. I was, in fact, the weak link in the family (boom) for unknown reasons.
Here we are. We must be watching Love Boat.