Tuesday, September 19, 2006
A Beautiful Woman

Here is more Kootch: As you can see she is a lovely woman. This was taken by me in our Southglenn home on South Franklin Street. I was working for Honeywell Information Systems at the time as a computer technician and Kootch was working for K-MART (the one in the previous air photo) as an accountant. This is one of my favorite photographs of Kootch.
We enjoyed great sex in those and previous days. Kootch was a great fuck. You might be interested that I never questioned Kootch about her cunt or tried to view her cunt. I was content to feel her cunt and to fuck it. I thought that the exact nature of her cunt was somehow personal, not my business. I never saw Kootch's cunt.
Back when we were living on Franklin Street I onced asked her to pee in her nylon panties in the shower room while I watched. She agreed. She squatted down, legs spread, and peed in her pants, grinning. 'Do you really like this nonsense!?' she seemed to be saying.
Meanwhile I was totally focused on her crotch. As the yellow stuff infected her glorious panties and began dripping on the shower floor I was satisfied that I had made a determination about myself: I loved peeing in my own pants but was not particularly enthralled by my woman peeing in hers.