Friday, August 18, 2006


Remembering a Disaster


Hmm. I thought I had jumped to Non Serviam, but obviously not.

Carlton Pearson is a preacher who came to the conclusion that Jesus saved the entire world from His Father's Eternal Wrath, and that you did not have to believe in order to be saved. He taught the doctrine that one should not worry about the 'afterlife.' He was declared a heretic, and lost his church, which is to say, his building and his donors (tithers). He later discovered followers who agreed with him. Pearson declared that after he became convinced that Jesus' death on the cross had saved everybody, he began to actually like God! Apparently, Pearson loved God but never really liked Him until his revelation. This suggests that a large part of the Christian anticipation of the joy of heaven involves the idea that Christians in Heaven will be able to view the suffering in Hell: Christian Joy partially equals Witnessing The Suffering of The Other.

The music box dance song refers to the Thursday Today Show. I rarely like their musical extravaganzas but I liked this one by The Wiggles. It is a modern adaptation of an old piano ballet piece. I don't know the title or the composer, but I love it. I saved the entire show. I will have to delete it, of course, in the near future, because I need the space.


But one last time while I'm buzzing... Glorious stuff. I won't delete it, I'll let it expire. I am still smarting from my unfortunate decision to delete 'The Raftman's Razor.' What a disaster that was. Goto Non Serviam.
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