Friday, August 11, 2006
I Was Glorious

Continuing with the historical theme of my 'education,' I am obliged to revisit my brief career as a 'pilot and Flight Instructor.' After attaining my Flight Instructor rating (CFI 1782428) I quit my Honeywell job and went to work as a flight instructor for 'Cole's (boom) Aviation,' the outfit which had trained me from scratch. I loved that job (tap). The money was problematic: much less than Honeywell paid. But Kootch's job at K-Mart was solid, allowing us to get by. As an instructor, my 'pilot- in (tap) - command' time eventually increased to approximately 1400 hours. Most of that time was spent in the right seat (thump) teaching students. My actual time at the controls was actually more like 400 hours, total. But I was a pro. I was good. I was glorious.
I don't think I have any photos from those times as a 'Cole's Aviation Flight Instructor.' It was mostly 'business.' But my memory still contains many images in that regard. One such memory is...
Me relaxing at the pool, pulling on a cigarrette. Kootch tells me that this photo is one of her favorites. I don't like it. I look like a Nazi.