Friday, August 25, 2006
Flight Plan

This picture was taken from a Citabria (I think). I am in the front seat flying the airplane. The scene is an approach to Columbine Airport runway 12 (opposite to 30). You can see the road to which I referred previously.
During my training for the rating of 'Commercial Pilot' I flew to Salina, Kansas as part of the (government paid) training. I flew a 'Commanche 180,' a retractable-gear, low-wing Piper with room for four people. While in Salina I picked up a (tap) friend of mine. We flew back to Denver together (tap). This was forbidden: although I was a 'Private Pilot' at the time I was not allowed to fly passengers on a cross-country training flight. I willingly violated the terms of my government 'agreement,' but I figured I could get away with it. I did indeed.
My filed VFR flight plan documented two souls aboard. I figured that in case of disaster 'they' should know. I also figured that possibly the folks at Columbine might check that flight plan. If they did indeed check the flight plan (and they did indeed) I had planned a maneuver which would outwit them.
We landed at Columbine slightly after dark. We used runway 30. I landed long enough to claim the entire runway, and as I made the left turn at the end I stopped and let my passenger out with instructions to wait for me on the road.
When I taxied the airplane to its parking space I was met by what seemed to me to be a 'triumphant delegation.' They gathered around me as I positioned the airplane in front of the parking spot and let it roll back. They stared expectantly as I cut the engine and got out alone. They drifted away as I tied the airplane down.