Friday, August 18, 2006




More 'Blogging the Bible.'

Good news for The Mormons... I think.

Myths about Atheists. Atheisis, of course, don't worry about the above problems.

Atheists are so free! They have only one worry: death. They worry about the process, not the result. Atheists know that death is the end. Why worry? Christians, on the other hand, must worry about what happens after death, forever. Forever! Is it any wonder they are scared shitless? Is it any wonder they believe the veriest nonsense about 'what happens after death?'

And what about Muslims!? Muslims are as scared-shitless as Christians. Muslims are so scared, in fact, that they hope their children will become suicide bombers (martys) because a martyr can pick ten people to take with him to the heaven. Naturally, family will come first.

Most Jews are cynical, after the Holocaust, after 4000 years of history, after sexual mutilation. Jews tend to suspect the worst after death. Being a jew is no relief either.

Agnostics have the best of all possible worlds: they can hope for a fortuitous afterlife and they can hope for eternal oblivion, depending on their state of personal optimism.

Buddhists have to do it all over again. Darn.
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