Monday, July 24, 2006
Superior Arguments

'Kathleen' was acceptable enough, since I also had an aunt named, 'Kathleen.' She turned out (faint boom) to be a very charming young lady. This is a photograph of Kathy at about age four, taken in Salina Kansas by a professional photographer.
Meanwhile I learned my new job of 'Technical Illustrator' by doing it. Most of the job consisted of making specialized prints of various sizes using a 'Leroy Set.' Later there was an endless series of charts and graphs, and as Base Supply began to enter the computer age, training aids. I got quite good at the job, such as it was. During slack days I would help out in the 'voucher section' with the job of putting 'vouchers' in numerical order for storage and retrival (if necessary).
One of my co-workers - a civilian - triggered my next 'revolution.' We would eat lunch together and discuss various subjects, especially politics and religion (no sex at all, of course: like me, he was married and hetero). But he was an Atheist! Wow. What an opportunity to save his immortal soul!
Unfortunately (or fortunately - take your pick) his arguments turned out to be superior to mine.