Friday, July 28, 2006
It All Tastes the Same...

I'll leave the value judgements concerning this infidelity to you, and what you think of it is none of my business. I'd like to show you a photograph of my 'schatze,' of course, but I threw away the several that I had many years ago.
Places to 'do it' were few and far between on The Goose. We both lived in barracks surrounded by other people. So, after our first sexual encounter in a small hotel near The Goose I bought an old used four-door Buick. Thereafter we would drive out to a private area on-base. I remember two incidents (tap) from those trysts. The first was an occasion where we were parked near the active runway. We were in the back seat doing our thing when we were illuminated by bright lights. I thought the Air Police had discovered us, and I bounded naked over the seat and started the car. Turned out to be an airplane landing near us. On another occasion she got out of the car (after we had done our thing) to pee. She made the mistake of doing it in front of the car and I playfully flashed the headlights on her. She was pissed.
The photograph shows me and 'Pete,' my roommate. We were (tap) drinking buddies as well as roommates. The back of the photo says that we were at 'Silva's house.' Silva was a senior NCO who was allowed to bring his family to The Goose. Pete told me in confidence one night in the NCO Club that while we were all sitting around a large table together he had put his hand between the legs of Silva's wife and she had not resisted. I would never have had the balls to do something like that.
I first tasted pussy on The Goose. I later discovered that there was virtually no difference in the taste of German Pussy and Japanese Pussy.