Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I Married Up

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here, but on the subject of 'family'... Hmm. I just tried to upload another photograph, but encountered the same problems that plagued me this morning on Enough... I suspect the problem (tap) is interference on the cable, generated by hackers working for Gerash. I take it that the faggot Gerash would rather (sorry Dan) you not know too much about Kootch and her family.
Ahah! Tried it again and it worked immediately this time. This picture was taken while Kootch was in Japan with the kids while I was doing an eighteen month stretch in Goose Bay Labrador, back in 1964.
In case it is not already obvious, I 'married up.' Left to right are: Kootch's Mother, Sister, Jenny (our youngest daughter), Sister's Husband, Kathy (our oldest), Kootch's Youngest brother, Kootch, and Kootch's only other Brother. Kootch's (boom) Father is missing, having been killed (boom) on Luzon during WWII.