Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Wally Wallbanger


Amazing panty story here by a candidate for governor of Alabama.

The war against the Aztecs goes well. I was able to build a new city right on top of their oil field! Next step is to construct an airport and/or harbor in that city. This will make another line of oil available when my contract with France runs out. Meanwhile, two other Roman invasion groups landed near two Aztec cities on the 'mainland' and both cities were taken on the next turn. My ally, France, then declared war on the Aztecs. I was able to pursuade England to join our little coalition with a small bribe of 'wines.' (Wines fall in the category of 'luxury rescources;' oil and rubber fall in the category of 'strategic rescources.' Both types are essential for national survival.) China and Babylon were not 'invited.' By the way, Babylon destroyed The Greeks, leaving our little world with only six civilizations. Soon there will be only five.

I had to laugh at a piece on the Today Show this morning concerning 'Art Rock,' an annual event in Rockefeller Center. One of the art pieces was a mechanical mannequin which stood facing a wall. The mannequin, named, 'Kid,' would periodically beat his forehead against the wall a random number of times. Highly irritating, but I found it hilarious. I was reminded of, 'Wally the wallbanger' who 'lives' upstairs, and whose antics I have frequently described in my blog, Non Serviam.
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