Thursday, April 06, 2006


Increasing my GQ.


Been spending lots of time troubleshooting my internet connection yesterday and today. The trouble began after I attempted to download and install an msn8 update. The good news is that the time spent is paying off in increased geekiness. I was getting a bit tired of C-III anyway and welcomed the chance to try something different for a change. I could have called msn support, of course, but why not try it myself first?

Results are mixed: I was able to re-establish the connection but in the process disengaged Explorer and msn8 such that if I want them up at the same time I have to call them separately - but I like it like that.

And just recently this evening there has been what appears to be hackery - changing my (remembered) password in the computer such that I had to type the correct password in manually. Deleting and then recreating the connection appeared to work at first, but the bogus 'remembered password' showed up again. Hmm. I wonder how they can do that...
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