Sunday, October 30, 2005


New Blog

(1) New Blog

I needed a sort of daily scratchpad so I created this blog. For example, I was reading some really interesting stuff on the msnbc website this morning about why floating objects tend to clump together. Then there was this one about time and your brain, and this one about 'theories.' All fascinating stuff. This 'scratchpad' might be useful in the construction of my other blog,, which I do once a week, usually on Friday nights.

By the way, when I chose the 'template' (thump from above) for this new blog, a title line was included and I was pleased to see that. However, after an hour or two of surfing the web I returned to this new blog only to find that the title line had been deleted, probably by some form of hackery. So this new blog resembles my Gas log at, and not my other blog, Non Serviam, above, in that there is no title line.

Damn this is fun.
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