Tuesday, June 24, 2014


The Big Picture.

So, Big Picture: You are a 'bubble.' You 'bubbled up.'
Someday you will 'pop.'
That's all. You 'bubbled up.' You will eventually 'pop.'
Meanwhile you read this blog. And other stuff happens too. And it's all so interesting! Wow!

Acid Will Change You.

You will never forget.
I just tuned into YouTube and found some beautiful music. Enjoy:
Music Box Dancer.
Beethoven Symphony #6. (Acid Music!)
This was my favorite 'Acid Music.' (tap)
You are so astonished by your encounter with LSD that you develop a new way of interpreting all the sensations of everyday life. You come to totally reject (thump) all those ancient myths your parents passed on to you. You begin to understand that your life is a 'learning.' You begin to understand that your life is an opportunity to learn and understand.
You begin to understand that your life is an opportunity to discover.
You 'investigate.'
You discover Science, Philosophy, Epistemology, self-awareness. You discover that 'Death is Nothing.'
You 'Live!'
And when you die, The Universe itself will 'pass' in the blink of an eye.
What happens next?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Sip. The only really important thing is, 'Now.'
All else is speculation.

What a Trip!

Your CNS has begun to 're-assemble itself' to the point where visual input is much more than just a 'colorful chaos.' It's beginning to 'make sense again!. You love that! Slowly, the chaotic color assumes an understandable form and function as you recognize more and more of the world which surrounds you. You keep staring at 'the hand.'
You wonder, 'Whose hand is that?' Is it mine?!
You try to move it. It moves!
It's my hand!
At this point, 're-assembly gathers momentum' (huge thunder just now at 1951) and the world you knew before this Acid Trip, begins to re-appear. 'Thank you God! I love you so much!'
(Back from the fridge with beer #6. Rain and Sunshine outside. Sip.)
The next several hours provide an amazing view of your 'reassembly.' And as you witness and participate in this process you come to realize that, in a very real sense, you yourself are a God!
Your wife 'checks in on you' (she is your 'baby-sitter') and you are able to communicate. You realize, 'She is a Goddess and I am a God!'
Your CNS continues to amaze you with the rapidity with which it reassembles itself, and you start feeling 'hyper' as if you have drunk waaay too much coffee. You know the 'fix' for that: Marijuana. You take a 'toke or two' in order to calm that hyper-feeling and 'strangen things up again.' You are returning to the real world but you are already missing aspects of that Acid world. The Ganja does its job and that hyper feeling disappears. Visual/auditory sensations increase. Beauty! You put on Beethoven's symphony #6. Beauty! As you listen to the gloriously colorful symphony with eyes closed, you can sense that your Acid trip is approaching its end.
'Wow. What a Trip!'

The Viewpoint of a Machine Peaking on Acid.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1842 after watching The News... Sip. Buzzing nicely. Sip. I saw something recently on TV that suggests that 'Alcohol can make you smarter' at least temporarily. I think I've passed that point though. We'll see. Sip. Time to get beer #3 and reread last posts... Yeah! Lots of stuff to work with there! Hmmm. Sip.
I think that 'self-discovery' is a good thing. But it's a slow process that requires much 'forgetting' of stuff that really isn't true. It's a fun hobby! (I like this already!) LSD helps tremendously because Acid disassembles the frilly details of personality while maintaining essential systems (CNS functions) like breathing and heartbeat. The lethal dose is still unknown (far as I know). So, Acid is a safe way to begin your 'self-discovery.' Sip. And prepare to be flabbergasted. Really.
Acid 'disassembles you.' You get to see all the parts of you scattered on the floor around you. Its a very colorful, very strange, even frightening, experience. It can be terrifying at times. It's extremely interesting. You're never bored on Acid unless you have taken way too little of it.
Disassembly is amazing, fun, sensual, astonishing, and maybe terrifying. You don't want to miss it! If you have done too much Acid you will know what I mean by, 'terrifying.' But even too much Acid can be a good thing:
Imagine that you have lost all brain function: Nothing makes sense. You can't speak. You can't understand speach. Your world is chaotic. It's a very unpleasant situation. But you continue to function well on 'the animal level' (not that you are aware of that).
Then, suddenly, you become aware that there is a forearm and hand in your visual field. You are looking at somebody's hand. Yes! I see a hand! Glorious! Thank you God!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Enjoy the Moment.

And how does it all end? 'What is Death?' Good question.
The best answer to that question seems to be, 'Nothing!'
'Nothing! Death is nothing!'
So said Carlos Castaneda (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Castaneda) in one of his books about Don Juan. Castena claimed that Don Juan so answered his question about 'Death.'
It seems reasonable: Once the CNS dies, nothing ever happens again. Nothing. Never. Ever. So: Enjoy the moment, whatever it is.
Sounds good to me. Sip.

My Awakening.

Back from the fridge with beer #8? Yep. How about some Imaginary Questions? Yeah!
Q: What was your life's most interesting experience?

Q: What was your greatest sexual experience?
A. First pussy.

Q: What was your most important realization of your life?
A: That I was a bio-chemical machine.
Sip. Once you can see that you and the other are only Bio-chemical processees, you are able to appreciate the miracle which is your life. You can then live in the moment, amazed, flabbergasted, amused, and lusting for the future, which is the next moment.



Note that you may criticize. I will consider your criticism.
Note that you may question. I will consider your question. I am curious! Here are some sample 'Comments:'
You are a Nazi! (tap)
You need to find Jesus!
 Batshitlooney stuff like this will be ignored.
Sip. Don't bother with stuff like that.
Try something like this:
Why don't you call the police?
How far back in time can you go regarding events which support your theory?
What are those events?
Have you seen a psychiatrist recently? (tap) (Eheh)


Reaching Out.

I didn't realize at the time that Star Trek was 'subliminal Jewish psychological therapy.' I would only come to realize that in the present millenium.
Sipping on beer #5 at 1942. Sip.
Now what?
I should mention here that this and the previous post is not at all what I 'projected' before drinking beer #1. That's why I love beer so much while blogging. I surprise myself! Beer is my 'personal psychiatrist.' Sip. Also I'm a 'lovey-dovey drunk.' Sip. Lovey-dovey moods are good blogging moods. Sip.
Aha! I just remembered that recently I have been plotting a temporary line of communication between me and my readers. That is to say that I am planning to allow comments. It will be an experiment.
Back from the fridge with beer #7 at 2002. Sip. I can only imagine what comments I might get. It would be interesting to see actual comments.
Now therefore, I will click on 'Allow Comments.'
But I am also interested in 'questions.'
I will accept comments.
I will accept questions.
I will comment on good and/or appropriate comments and/or questions.
I am curious!
Nothing is 'off limits,' but I reserve the right to ignore dumbass questions.
The plan is to click on 'allow comments' just before I sign off. You may ask questions. I will answer some and ignore others. If you really want an answer you will need to make your question in a 'pleasant tone.' Unpleasant questions will be taken as 'unpleasant comments' and ignored.
(Nose dripping, eyes watering.)
See the next post for instructions on how to present questions or comments which might produce a reply.


Sipping on beer #3 at 1840 after watching the evening news broadcasts. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Sip. time to reread last posts. It's been a while... Ah yes. Now I remember. Sip. I was 'chased out' of the LR (tap) just now, after watching most of the news, by 'Face Rad' which caused 4 sneezes and the usual mucus flows. Sip. Buzzing nicely.
Provocative stuff! The 'Never Again Campaign' is my conjecture, of course. But I'm pretty sure that it really (tap) existed, and may still exist. The psychological impetus was, of course, The Holocaust, which American JEWMEDIA made almost daily reference to between about 1950 and 1995. Jews were not allowed to 'forget.' That was a bad idea. Jews, tormented almost daily by 'news of the Holocaust' did everything they could to circumcise America. It made them feel gooood to know that goys were mutilated in the same Jewish manner. Health reasons? Uhuh: Jewish mental health reasons. Goy health was just an excuse. And it was a lie. sip.
I remember a scene in Star Trek where Spock (the Jew) comforted Captain Kirk with a 'Vulcan Mind Meld' saying to Kirk, 'Forget.' That was in about 1968 or so.
It was exellent advice from a Jew to a Jew. What you don't forget may haunt you, and may ultimately destroy you.
(Much thunder now at 1925.)
Sip. I have learned how to forget.

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